I saw this quote and I just had to share!
I love this because today I am so thankful for the unique talents and gifts I have been given that make me... me. This is so true, there never has been nor ever will be again on this earth a me or for that matter a you! Often we find ourselves in the business of comparing, from body sizes and features, to clothes, to homes and cars, to attributes; and we don't often enough take the time to recognize what makes us different than those around us is actually a GOOD thing! Everyone has a unique set of gifts and skills that only you can offer the world in a way that only you were meant to in order to change the world. It starts with you being great at who you are and spreads from there!
I love this picture (maybe it's because this looks a lot like my daughter's dance class!) and not quite sure why it cut off the Th in the first word, but you get the point!
Marianne Williamson said:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves "who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone."I love focusing on my unique gifts to the world. I'm grateful that I have been given the talents I have. There is a place for them and I will be as big of an influence on the world as I can dream I will be. And so can you, and as you pursue your dreams whatever they are for you, and as you pursue your greatness you will awaken within others the desire to tap into their unique gifts and talents, to arouse their passion for life and unleash their greatness on the world. Oliver Demill, a great advocate for freedom said in a recent address I heard that each of us was sent here with a specific mission and purpose, and the purpose of life is to discover what that purpose is and then work at it. Imagine what the world would look like if each person here on earth was discovering their own mission and then working hard to fulfill it. Some may be drawn to feed the hungry, others educate, heal the sick, others to spread beauty. Can you imagine a world full of purpose driven people! That's my purpose, to spread beauty and awaken the greatness within those around me as I strive to achieve the greatness within me! What's your purpose and mission? And how would you like to pursue it?
Life is good! This time of year we get to be grateful for what we have and who we are, give of ourselves to those in need and appreciate the greatness in those around us.
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