Thursday, January 5, 2012

Think Big, We are Divine!

As I sat here thinking about my day and what I wanted to write about I read a few words by Donald Trump that stuck in my brain....

If your going to be thinking, you may as well think big!

Now I'm not a huge fan of Donald Trump, although our dog is named after him,  (courtesy of my husband getting the name stuck in our 3 year old's head....) But I do like this thought, as I tend to think a lot.  And as I sat here reflecting on what it exactly means to think big and how I can think bigger, I heard through the baby monitor my 3 year old start to sweetly sing the song I am a Child of God. If you've never heard it follow this youtube link  its worth the 2 minute listen.

The lyrics are I am a Child of God, and He has sent me here. Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear. Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way. Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.

As this sweet song came drifting over the speaker I thought, how can you think any bigger than that? To know that I am a daughter of God! The daughter of an all mighty, all powerful, all knowing, and loving God. He sent me here to earth to learn, grow, and to succeed.

I know as parent I only want what's best for my daughter and I want her to be able to succeed in anything she tries. Sometimes so badly I like to intercede to do it for her, and other times I can't, I just have to watch her give it her best effort and then pick up the slack where I can.  I picture my Father in Heaven the same. He wants us to succeed in all that we try and work towards. Sometimes He can intercede and hand us the successes we desire and other times we have to give it our all before He can fill in the gaps.  (And sometimes I think, like my 3 year old, I shove the help I could have to make it easier aside and say Let ME do it! Making the process alot longer and harder than it had to be.)  So knowing this why not attempt anything!  We have an all powerful, all knowing Heavenly parent on our side!

So now that we know who we are we can set all our fears of failure aside and just give it our all right?! Actually, I thank my 3 year old for that sweet reminder of who I am, and why I have big goals and dreams. Sometimes our fears and doubts can crowd out faith and determination, but thank goodness for a perceptive and loving God who sends sweet little reminders to our hearts to think big!

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