I think this saying is going to go on my mirror! For the past 6 yeas since I have been a stay at home wife/mom I have been in total resistance to living on a schedule. I mean for 20 something years I was up at 5am with somewhere to be and something to do, so yes, at the first chance to not get up before the sun, I took it and have lived that way ever since.... and loved it!!! I've even trained my 4 year old not to get up before 8am!
The only drawback seems to be that with no schedule on paper I run one in my head what I want to get done that day and where I should go and it works to get by the daily things, but I'm finding that as I have set much bigger goals these past couple years the day just seems to go by without me actually getting any closer to what I say I want. Or when I was totally focused on a goal everything else in my life seemed to fall out of balance.
So, I decided it was time to put my life back on a schedule as if I had places to be and people that were excepting me, only the its me that I am accountable to..... and its amazing what I am able to accomplish each day. I am definitely guilty of making reasons why I didn't exercise, or why I needed to finish off the cake, I mean better it be gone in one day than add those calories everyday for a week right? Or why I didn't have time to do XYZ is my favorite reason, ummm excuse. Funny how in my head I am so justified, but when I say them out loud to someone they just sound like pure excuses. Now we all know excuses hold us back but this quote is pretty harsh that by stating every excuse I make is MY choice to fail in my dreams. Well I have HUGE goals and dreams, and I would much rather succeed than fail. (Hear my music at www.lundynrae.com)
So if your looking to accomplish more in your life and feel a little more fulfilled, get your life on a schedule! Its amazing what a difference it makes. Here's to a successful run at our dreams!